Functional dependence at discharge from the intensive care unit: relevance for rehabilitation nursing




rehabilitation, self-care, muscle weakness, functional recovery


Background: Stays in the intensive care unit can cause adverse effects that lead to situations of functional disability, which persist for a long time. Early rehabilitation can prevent or limit such situations.

Objectives: To characterize the functional level and dependencies at discharge from intensive care. To assay the timing for initiating rehabilitation nursing interventions.

Methodology: Descriptive/exploratory study, quantitative method, in a sample of 30 patients.

Results: Average of Medical Research Council value was 27 (first evaluation) and 38 (at discharge). The mean value of the Functional Independence Measure, in the area of self-care, mobility / transfers was 2. The first intervention of rehabilitation nursing occurred, on average, on the 10th day and the patient got out of bed after 13 days.

Conclusion: At discharge, there were high levels of functional dependence at the level of basic self-care and mobility/transfers, and their characterization should be improved for the continuity of rehabilitation care. Early mobilization of critical patients is necessary.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, P. M. D. da S., Gomes, B. P., Pereira, J. A. T. P., Carvalho, F. M. N., Ferreira, S. P. C., Pires, A. I., & Macedo, J. (2019). Functional dependence at discharge from the intensive care unit: relevance for rehabilitation nursing. Journal of Nursing Referência, 4(20), 37–46.



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