Components of a computerized best practice guide for nursing simulation: Qualitative study




simulation, nursing, nursing education, good practice guide, software


Background: Simulation is recognized as a teaching strategy that allows connecting theoretical knowledge and the reality of care delivery, thus contributing to the development of certain skills in the teaching/learning process. The Good Practice Guides, in the context of training health professionals, allow for the guidance and support of simulated practices during the learning process of nursing students.

Objective: Identify the components of a computerized Best Practice Guide for simulation in nursing.

Methodology: This is a qualitative study using a Focus Group as data collection method, with recourse to an expert panel composed of six teachers from a Higher School of Health in the Northern Region of Portugal.

Results: Four components were identified, materials, access levels, scenario, and evaluation.

Conclusion: The identified components are fundamental for the construction of a Computerized Good Practice Guide for Simulation with an impact on the standardization of the entire structure and dynamics of learning in nursing.


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How to Cite

Mota, L. A. N., Monteiro, C. A. R., Pacheco, C. S., Silva, M. F. P., Silva, R. A., & Oliveira, T. R. (2024). Components of a computerized best practice guide for nursing simulation: Qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(3), 1–8.



Research Articles