Gastric lavage in the person victim of intoxication - Scoping Review Protocol




gastric lavage, intoxication, therapeutic procedure, emergency treatment


Introduction: Intoxications are an important public health problem. The gastric lavage is mainly used when the ingestion of toxic agents occurs orally, however, the knowledge about the best technique to be implemented for the execution of the procedure and it´s indications and contraindication are still dispersed.

Objective: Identify and map the scientific evidence available about the gastric lavage on a person victim of acute intoxication that allows the execution of a descriptive summary on the state of the art of this procedure.

Methods: A scoping review will be carried out according to the methodology JBI methodology for scoping reviews and will be drafted concurring with the PRISMA-ScR checklist. The review will consider studies including adult individuals, victims of intoxication and submitted to gastric lavage in diverse clinical contexts, whether they are intra or extra-hospital. Studies in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese will be included. The selection of the studies will be carried out by two independent reviewers, using a third one in case of disagreement. The results of this search, selection of studies and inclusive procedure will be presented in a PRISMA flow chart for scoping reviews. The data extraction, evidence analysis and results about the extension and type of evidences will be presented in a chart.


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How to Cite

Morais, L., Frias, L. ., Ribeiro, M., Nunes, M., Ramos, M., Morence, S., Natividade, V., & Mota, M. (2023). Gastric lavage in the person victim of intoxication - Scoping Review Protocol. Servir, 2(05), e29851.


