Assessing nurse's knowledge regarding patient care bundles for prevention of catheter-related urinary tract infection




Urinary Tract Infections, ITU, Catheters, Urinary Catheters, Nursing Care


Introduction: Urinary catheter-associated bladder infections (UCAVI), related to healthcare, are the main cause of morbidity, increased hospitalization days and costs. The Directorate-General for Health has created the "Intervention Bundle for the Prevention of Bladder Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection" in order to standardize nursing interventions.

Objective: Analyzing nurses' knowledge of the Bundle of Interventions for the Prevention of Bladder Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in a Local Health Unit in northern Portugal

Methodology: Analytical cross-sectional study. Conducted on 103 nurses from a Local Health Unit, who answered a questionnaire via Google forms. The study received a favorable opinion from the ethics committee (no. 5/2023)

Results: Knowledge was moderate (74.8%). There was a greater predominance of females (86.4%), average age 41.66 years, married (58.3%), university graduates (74.8%), nurses (63.1%), open-ended individual employment contracts (62.1%), average length of service 16.20 years, hospital as place of work (87.4%), shift work (85.4%), training in the prevention of IUACV (69.9%), knowledge of internal regulations (92.2%). Gender, professional category and training are associated with certain elements of the bundle.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L., & Silva Martins, M. D. (2024). Assessing nurse’s knowledge regarding patient care bundles for prevention of catheter-related urinary tract infection . Servir, 2(08), e33822.