Rural entrepreneurship: obstacles and suggestions for development


  • Ezequiel Herruzo
  • Gabriela Alavez
  • Isabel Romero
  • José Carlos Sánchez
  • Luisa Dugo



Rural entrepreneurship, Rural environment, Rural development


Rural entrepreneurship is a phenomenon that may be the key to avoid the displacement of workers to other regions inside or out of the country, by generating independent income. The obstacles they face are remoteness of the companies embedded in this context respect to larger markets and therefore access to resources, the lack of promotion tools or unqualified human capital, etc. We defined two types of entrepreneurship in the “Valle de los Pedroches”, a region located in southern Spain: those who have undertaken on their own and those who have undertaken within a family nucleus. For both types of entrepreneurship, we provide suggestions for their development in the rural environment.


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How to Cite

Herruzo, E., Alavez, G., Romero, I., Sánchez, J. C., & Dugo, L. (2023). Rural entrepreneurship: obstacles and suggestions for development. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 12(2), 122–127.