Marketing Relacional no Turismo: Os laços relacionais mais valorizados pelos turistas ibéricos e a sua presença nas páginas web das regiões turísticas

Relationship marketing in tourism: most valued relational bonds by the iberian tourists and their presence in tourism regions web pages


  • Luís Costa University of Beira Interior
  • Helena Alves University of Beira Interior



Relationship Marketing, Tourism, PENT, Relational Bonds, Tourism Regions


The proliferation of the services sector led to a demarcation from the transactional or traditional perspective of marketing, which is essentially focused on a single transaction, to a relational perspective of marketing where the customer is seen as an integrant part of the process. This change of focus quests customer loyalty in order to extend the exchange of value between customers and the firms over time. Considering that tourism  is part of the  services sector – to which the relational marketing strategies can be applied – and being simultaneously a strategic sector for the development of Portugal, this study aims to identify the most valued relational bonds found in the Iberian tourism market as well as to understand how the organizations identified in PENT (2011) to promote tourism are fostering them through their websites. This study is based on a sample of 208 respondents from Portugal and 178 respondents from Spain which was analyzed through a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed that the segments of tourists value different types of relational bonds (financial, social and structural) and in a differential way, social and structural bonds are those that most differentiate the different customer segments. The study also shows that promotions through tourism websites in Portugal do not always foster information of the bonds most valued by tourists. Hence the results of this study demonstrate that despite the identification of relationship marketing strategies in the tourism region websites, there is still a long work to do considering the strategies defined in PENT (2011).


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How to Cite

Costa, L., & Alves, H. (2023). Marketing Relacional no Turismo: Os laços relacionais mais valorizados pelos turistas ibéricos e a sua presença nas páginas web das regiões turísticas: Relationship marketing in tourism: most valued relational bonds by the iberian tourists and their presence in tourism regions web pages. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 1(1), 181–216.