Proposal of creation of a geotouristic itinerary in the natural and artificial cavities of the municipality of São João Del-Rei - MG


  • André Barbosa Ribeiro Ferreira Federal University of São João Del Rei
  • Leonardo Cristian Rocha Federal University of São João Del Rei
  • Múcio do Amaral Figueiredo Federal University of São João Del Rei
  • Paula Resende Santos Federal University of São João Del Rei
  • Rafael Begname Andrade Federal University of São João Del Rei



Geological heritage, Caves, Mapping, Geotourism


At the end of the seventeenth century the flags began to explore the state of Minas Gerais district of Rio das Mortes, current São João del-Rei was an important target of gold mining to the alleged depletion of this mineral in the municipality. Gold mines, locally known as Betas, are artificial caves that were formed by human action through the drilling of rocks. Besides these, there are also natural caves of quartzite rocks formed by dissolution and water percolation process. Currently, the cave environments can be used for research and sports, which ensures the conservation and sustainability of the site through environmental education and interpretation. The objective of this research is to identify, map and catalog the main artificial and natural cavities of São João del-Rei. The creation of geotouristic Roadmap proposes the use of geological, historical and cultural heritage of the city, promoting the dissemination, scientific value and tourism. Through field work, and with the aid of topographical maps, photographs, GPS, Compass and software were mapped and cataloged the major cavities. The results showed that some Betas are inadequate for visitation due to the accumulation of garbage, lack of structure and some are privately owned, are not allowed access. The proposal to create the script geotouristic aims to contribute to the conservation, utilization for tourism and environmental preservation in these cavities São João del-Rei.


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How to Cite

Barbosa Ribeiro Ferreira, A., Rocha, L. C., do Amaral Figueiredo, M., Resende Santos, P., & Begname Andrade, R. (2023). Proposal of creation of a geotouristic itinerary in the natural and artificial cavities of the municipality of São João Del-Rei - MG. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 2(1), 174–193.