Impacts of the 2014 FIFA World Cup on tourism in host cities: a perception of Rio de Janeiro residents in the pre-event period


  • Paola Bastos Lohmann Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
  • Deborah Moraes Zouain COPPE/UFRJ
  • Kaarina Barbosa Virkki Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
  • Marcel Dantas de Quintela Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas (ENCE)
  • Thayrine da Silva Pacheco Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)



2014 FIFA World Cup, Perception of impacts, Tourism


Mega sport events are used by governments as a way to increase the international visibility of the countries, and thus boost the economy through the tourism sector generating economic benefits for the country. This paper aims to analyze the perceptions of residents regarding the impacts generated by tourism events in the host cities. To achieve its goal the model used was the e- survey or Electronic Survey, through an online questionnaire, applied previously from the Cup, structured in four thematic groups which indicated the perception of impacts on: tourism, economy, infrastructure and public services; and interviewee profile. The residents of Rio de Janeiro were the target public. For the success of the championship is necessary that, besides public and private investments, happen people's involvement and, for that, it is important to understand the degree of the mega-event’s acceptance by the host community. The analysis of research results pointed that the positive impacts – such as infrastructure improvement, incentive of businesses and tourism – are clearly perceived by the population, and the negativities – such as increase of prices, financial loss and distraction for the country’s problems – also had high degree of accordance. The approach to the subject of this article occurs in a time when it is necessary to understand the perception of residents regarding the receptivity and the image of the country; the legacy left by the improvements made ​​by the public sector in the areas directly related to the event and dimensions geographically the scope of the impacts generated by the World Cup.


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How to Cite

Bastos Lohmann, P., Moraes Zouain, D., Barbosa Virkki, K., Dantas de Quintela, M., & da Silva Pacheco, T. (2023). Impacts of the 2014 FIFA World Cup on tourism in host cities: a perception of Rio de Janeiro residents in the pre-event period. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(4), 320–337.