Hostels and historic city centres: Ageing or rejuvenation?


  • Jorge Manuel Abrantes



Hostels, Lisbon, Location, Oporto, Urban regeneration


The reality of the independent hostels is recent in Portugal, with a larger expression as from 2008 when this type of accommodation was legally established. The objective of this study is to analyze the location of the hostels in the cities of Lisbon and Oporto and if they are located in the central areas of these cities (traditionally more expensive but with better accessibility) or in the peripheral areas of the cities. On the other hand, with the ageing of population in the center of the cities – where Lisbon and Oporto are also a reality – intend to understand the contribution given by the hostels (or that can give in future) for the development and rejuvenation of these zones, as well as for its urban regeneration. The outcome permits to identify that the location of the hostels in Lisbon and Oporto presents a strong concentration in the historical areas of Baixa, with major evidences in the city of Lisbon, at the same time giving an important contribution for the recovery of the old heritage. Nevertheless, there is no evidence yet that hostels have contributed for the rejuvenation of historical centers of the cities of Lisbon and Oporto. The statistical data collected for these cities show a drop in population in the last 40 years, although less expressive in the last decade.


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How to Cite

Abrantes, J. M. (2023). Hostels and historic city centres: Ageing or rejuvenation?. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(4), 355–383.