Tourism and bank loans: what are the characteristics of tourists who use bank loans to travel?
Tourism, Credit, Consumer behavior, Bank loansAbstract
Sociodemographic changes in contemporary societies have a significant impact on tourism, as these affect tourism consumers behavior that seek alternative solutions to benefit from what they assume as a need (Gaulia, 2009). We witness the bird of a new era of consumers that look at tourism in a diferente way, willing to appeal to bank loans to realize their tourism wishes (Oliveira & Jesus, 2013). Thus, the objective of this study is to identify the diferences between tourist who use this credit strategy to participate in tourism and those who do not. For this, we developed an empirical exploratory study, based on a qualitative analysis, supported by semi-structured interviews. Results show that, potentially, people who use credit to go on vacation have distinctive characteristics, both in terms of family values and travel options, and also in terms of sociodemographic variables.
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