Exploratory analysis of the potential of Chinese wine tourists: challenges and opportunities


  • Agustí Casas Romero University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Pilar Presas University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Merce Bernardo University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Rubén Huertas García University of Barcelona, Spain




The aim of this paper is to describe the main features of the profile of Chinese wine tourist who are visiting Spain. The methodology used is qualitative, with 19 interviews to Chinese tourist who have visited or planned to visit a winery. The results show that in Spain, the Chinese wine tourists are at an early stage, not only because of their small number but also because the purpose of this visit is not the wine and prefer to complement the visit to the wineries with additional activities such as gastronomy or culture; but with a growth forecast. It was possible to identify two profiles based on the purpose of the trip (work reasons or other reasons) and by age (35-45 years and 50-60 years). In addition, these profiles were compared with those defined in other countries without detecting significant differences. This is one of the first studies analysing, although exploratory, the profile of Chinese wine tourist in Spain.


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How to Cite

Casas Romero, A., Presas, P., Bernardo, M., & Huertas García, R. (2023). Exploratory analysis of the potential of Chinese wine tourists: challenges and opportunities. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 6(2), 126–144. https://doi.org/10.57883/thij6(2)2016.30333