Copa do mundo FIFA 2014 no Brasil: Um quadro de impactos nas TICs e nos meios de hospedagem da cidade-sede de Cuiabá / MT


  • Francieli Boaria Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)
  • Roberta Leal Raye Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso (UNEMAT)



Accommodation strategies, Hotel private sector, Public authorities, Information and communication technology


The tourism sector is an activity that infers a level of organizational structure based on the needs and motivations manifested by the persons. It requires actions aimed at full attendance of supply and demand requirements. Such actions recommend being systematized in strategies conducted by public agencies and institutions that represent private companies. Extending the range of opportunities, the mega-event FIFA World Cup 2014 held in Brazil, despite of great political repercussion, was considered a source of investment in several sectors, including in Means of hosting, technologies used for disclosing and e-commerce. Cuiabá, capital of the state of Mato Grosso, was the smallest among the host cities and received 158,000 tourists during the three games it hosted. This exploratory and descriptive research with quantitative and qualitative approach, used the documentary and field research to collect data. The present study had as main objectives to analyze the legacy provided by the accommodation strategies of the means of hosting and the technological innovations used by the hotel sector. As results, it highlights the creation of new products by pioneer companies and the qualification of the workforce for the sector. However, the insecurity of the business community in relation to the post-event, regarding the significant increase in the number of beds for the city, and the low use of the tools provided by the ICTs, were strengths perceived in the material analyzed. For future research it is suggested the comparison of this data with the other cities that hosted the mega event.


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How to Cite

Boaria, F., & Leal Raye, R. (2023). Copa do mundo FIFA 2014 no Brasil: Um quadro de impactos nas TICs e nos meios de hospedagem da cidade-sede de Cuiabá / MT. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 8(1), 24–38.