Bath & Alange: dois modelos de estâncias termais com um património cultural comum


  • Pilar Barrios Manzano University of Extremadura, Spain
  • Juana Gómez Pérez University of Extremadura, Spain



Alange, Extremadura, Spa, Bath, Somerset, Shared cultural heritage


This paper focuses on the comparative study between two models of thermal spa. Firstly, we talk about the Anglo-Saxon model, focus on the city of Bath in the UK. Secondly, a local model is present with the case of the Alange thermal spa in Extremadura (Spain), both of them world Heritage sites. Similes ancients legends were founded which are inspired in the cult of the nature that date of pre-Roman times. Therefore, they have a common past as a resort spa in Roman times too. Related to its denominations, both villages have very significant names, which tell us a lot about its past, present and future. To sum up, we have inherited from Rome many of the health and wellness traditions and the Roman culture of the water is offer as a melting pot of cultures still alive nowadays.


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How to Cite

Barrios Manzano, P., & Gómez Pérez, J. . (2023). Bath & Alange: dois modelos de estâncias termais com um património cultural comum. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 9(2), 59–70.