Rebates of public policies on tourism in the territory of the west coast of Ceará


  • Débora Ferreira Freire Dias Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brasil
  • Luzia Neide Coriolano Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brasil



Tourism, Public policy, Territory, West Coast


The text investigates the coast of Ceará as a priority area for the implementation of public policies and consequently of receiving external financing in territorial restructuring projects. This article aims to analyze public policy actions carried out in the West Coast, and the social and spatial implications of the practice of tourism in this part of the territory. The dialectical method is used without the rigor of historical materialism, in the understanding of the modes of production of material life conditioning the set of processes of social, political and cultural life. Dialectics requires going beyond appearance, common sense, to the essence of facts by considering wholeness, conflict, and contradictions. Institutional, hemerographic, and field research is conducted to achieve results. The text is backed up in theoretical grounds contemplating the categories territory, State, public policies, coastal and tourism. Public policies have a preponderant factor of reordering the territory with the implementation of highways, implementation of innovative public works and / or restoration of the architectural and natural patrimony. The theme proposes discussions and questions, because when it appropriates spaces for tourism, it sometimes rebuilds them, sometimes it decharacterizes them and degrades them. It is concluded that tourism is one of the current forms of reproduction of capital, which integrates the global economic and neoliberal macro-politics guided by the principles of the market. Economic activity is contradictory and often determined by a game of forces with external predomains, not linked to local interests.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Freire Dias, D., & Coriolano, L. N. (2023). Rebates of public policies on tourism in the territory of the west coast of Ceará. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 12(1), 105–121.