Academic performance in clinical teaching and classroom frequency: a study with nursing students


  • Júlia Santos Escola Superior de Saúde de Santarém, Portugal
  • Amélia Simões Figueiredo Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
  • Margarida Vieira Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal



Attendance, Nursing students, Academic achievement


The learning of the students of the higher education has determined by the interconnection of several factors, among them, the frequency to the classes, which is a predictor of academic success. This cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study, carried out with nursing students of a Higher School of Health, has as main objective to know the relation between the frequency of classes and the academic performance in the clinical teaching of students of the Nursing Degree Course. The results at first show that there is no statistically significant relationship between the frequency of classes and the performance in each clinical teaching. However, by aggregating the number of absences into categories, the results show that students with higher attendance are those who reach significantly higher scores than students with less attendance. It can was concluded that the most frequent students are those who can obtain a better academic performance in clinical teaching.



How to Cite

Santos, J., Figueiredo, A. S., & Vieira, M. (2018). Academic performance in clinical teaching and classroom frequency: a study with nursing students. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 6(2), 3–12.