Error in hospital transfusion process and mitigation measures: Scoping Review
errors, near miss, blood transfusion, mitigation measures.Abstract
The transfusion of blood, components and derivatives is an essential therapy in many treatments to resolve clinical situations that would be irreversible without its administration. However, like all medical acts, adverse effects may occur, some of them caused by human error. In Portugal, the National Hemovigilance System makes these human errors public through its annual report. The objectives of this review are to verify whether there is consistency between the errors and near-misses detected in the hospital transfusion process in Portugal and those published in papers from different countries, and what measures should be implemented to mitigate these errors. This is a systematic scoping review. For this purpose, a literature search was performed and was carried out using PubMed, SciELO and Mendely databases only with the filter of publication date (last 5 years). MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) Terms and the appropriate keywords were used in the search strategy - For this analysis 23 studies that met all inclusion criteria were considered. The results were evaluated according to the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases. The errors identified were mostly in the pre- and post-analytical phases: with great emphasis on errors in patient identification; either when collecting and labeling the pre-transfusion sample, or prior to the administration of the blood component; and are consistent with the results found in Portugal. The recommended error mitigation measures are of various types and range from specific training of all professionals involved in the transfusion chain to the use of dedicated computer systems, through various recommendations and always aiming at reducing human intervention. We conclude that the cause and type of errors coincide with those recorded in Portugal and that, despite efforts to mitigate errors in the transfusion process, they still occur, although many are detected prior to transfusion (near misses). The knowledge of these types of detected errors allows risk assessment and the implementation of measures that may be more effective in preventing them.
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