Evaluation of the Satisfaction of Employees and State Agents in relation to the Single Salary Table (TSU) in Mozambique: The Case of Licungo University (UL)


  • Nicolau Armando Universidade Licungo - Beira
  • Imraan Bahadur Universidade Licungo - Beira




Satisfaction, Public sector, TSU, Mozambique


The satisfaction of State Employees and Agents (SEA) deserves constant attention from governments, due to the effect it has on the provision of quality public services. The research aimed to assess the satisfaction of the SEA concerning the introduction of the Single Salary Table (TSU) in Mozambique. It is pioneering research in the country, assuming that the TSU entered into force in 2022. A qualitative approach was used, supported by a bibliographic review and a case study. Data collection was carried out through an online form, which allowed us to obtain a response from 61 SEA. The results indicated that the SEA assigned to the Licungo University (UL) are dissatisfied with the TSU, in several domains: salary framework level, criteria adopted for defining the base salary, and the subsidies attributed. As strengths of TSU, the increase in the minimum wage and the appreciation of professional experience were identified. TSU's weaknesses are summarized in the lack of clarification of the TSU by the competent bodies, reduction of subsidies, injustice in the salary framework, devaluation of research, devaluation of the academic level of employees, demotivation, and high salary discounts. The results expose a perception of injustice between the SEA and the TSU, which goes against the spirit of its implementation in the country. The results should guide the Government of Mozambique (GM) to rethink public sector wage reform. The research suggests a salary reform that takes into account the specificities of different professional groups, as well as the nature, complexity and responsibility of the work of SEA in the various subsystems of the civil service. The academic level and professional experience should also be valued since they are an added value that the SEA bring to the improvement of the provision of public services. It is proposed to reintroduce age as a criterion in defining the salary level, from a progressive perspective. To value the effort and motivate the SEA, it is suggested the inclusion of the performance criterion of the SEA, as a variable remuneration. In general, it is suggested that the TSU use remuneration criteria that value the performance and contribution of the SEA for the achievement of objectives, and the quality of public services, and not simply on quantitative criterial.


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How to Cite

Armando, N., & Bahadur , I. . (2024). Evaluation of the Satisfaction of Employees and State Agents in relation to the Single Salary Table (TSU) in Mozambique: The Case of Licungo University (UL). Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 12(1), e33311. https://doi.org/10.25746/ruiips.v12.i1.33311