Use of smartphones and purchasing behavior in supermarkets: an approach under Practice Theory




Smartphones, Supermarkets, Pratice Theory


The transformations that have occurred in recent years have impacted several moments in our lives. Technological evolution has allowed various market segments and practices to have their modus operandi modified. In particular, the retail sector has been extensively transformed through the insertion of various technologies. Digital transformation has radically changed the way we do business, move goods and services, communicate or even the way we buy our products for everyday use, especially after the pandemic generated by the COVID-19 virus. This phenomenon has been studied in a special way by academia, especially from the perspective of Practice Theory. The present study contributes to the study of this phenomenon by describing, from a practical perspective, how the smartphone is inserted in the practice of purchasing products by consumers in supermarkets. 17 consumers were interviewed in 2023 and through analysis of the results, 18 micro-practices were described, which combined result in the formation of product acquisition practices in supermarkets. The practices described allowed us to understand how consumers use smartphones when consulting products, evaluating establishments, sharing information, analyzing prices and functional characteristics of products, making payments and evaluating purchases made. The findings contribute to studies on consumer behavior in supermarkets and generate theoretical, methodological and managerial insights for this important sector of the economy



How to Cite

Gustavo Clemente Valadares, Daniel Carvalho de Rezende, João Francisco Sarno Carvalho, Nilmar Diogo dos Reis, João Marcos Fernandino Evangelista, & Américo Pierangeli Costa. (2023). Use of smartphones and purchasing behavior in supermarkets: an approach under Practice Theory. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 11(4), 64–76.