Poder aristocrático y género en la conquista y colonización de Canarias: Beatriz de Bobadilla, gran señora de las islas





Atlantic History, Gender and Power, Frontier Society


This paper aims to analyze the Canarian society during the process of European expansion across the Atlantic ocean in the fifteenth century, when the islands were the last frontier of the kingdom of Castile. The controversial personality of Beatriz de Bobadilla was essential in that period, when she ruled several of the islands because of her successive marriages, first with the lord of La Gomera and El Hierro and before with the governor of the island of Tenerife. The study offers a documentary analysis of her figure, trying to deconstruct the negative image made by traditional historiography, with the goal of understand her facts in its context.



How to Cite

González Zalacain, R. J., & Muñoz Gómez, V. (2020). Poder aristocrático y género en la conquista y colonización de Canarias: Beatriz de Bobadilla, gran señora de las islas. Anais De História De Além-Mar, 21, 49–80. https://doi.org/10.57759/aham2020.34501



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