Local anesthetics toxicity outside the operating room





local anesthestic, toxicity, lipidic emulsion


Local anesthetics are widely used in the clinical practice of anesthesiologists and their use by non-anesthesiologist in places outside the operating room for minimally invasive procedures is also frequent. Since toxicity by local anesthetics is a serious and potentially fatal complication, all healthcare professionals should recognize signs and symptoms early and start their treatment.

In this work, we report a case of altered state of conscious due to local anesthetic toxicity after infiltration of high doses of lidocaine. The immediate recognition of the situation by the emergency team, of which the anesthesiologist is often an integral part, is essential for the timely administration of lipid emulsion that can prevent fatal consequences.


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How to Cite

Alves, S. S., Pacheco, C., Assunção, F., Oliveira, J., & Lencastre, L. (2021). Local anesthetics toxicity outside the operating room. Journal of the Portuguese Society of Anesthesiology, 30(2). https://doi.org/10.25751/rspa.21018