Measures to protect de facto unions


  • Geraldo Evangelista Lopes Estudos e Conhecimento


The objective was to compile the scattered laws that deal with the subject in order to better understand and use the legislative tool related to the subject. There are numerous laws and judicial decisions governing de facto or stable unions. The compilation will provide access to arguments, fundamentals and decisions and, in a way, will give greater confidence to the operator of the law. Collected information on scattered laws, codified articles and judicial decisions that demonstrate that the search for solutions should be done with a more protective look at the lives of families and people who have chosen to live in a stable union; we must follow the evolution of societies and adapt and solve them. In Brazil, the Federal Supreme Court and the National Justice Council have made the greatest contributions to the advancement in this regard. Much of the foreign legislation that already brings in its constitutional bulge the equality we discuss here. The application of these measures would solve, because if we recognize that a union constitutes a family unit there are no reasons that justify a contrary position. When cohabitants are effectively accepted in the same way as married couples, we will have a pacification of the subject and greater legal certainty in the decisions that are made.


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How to Cite

Lopes, G. E. (2019). Measures to protect de facto unions. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (24), 135–152. Retrieved from