Why should we look forward to the forthcoming report on the functioning of the european online dispute resolution platform to be issued by the European Commission?


  • Begoña FERNÁNDEZ RODRIGUEZ Doctoranda Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas: Derecho Internacional, de la Unión Europea y Comparado de la Universidad de Granada. Granada, España. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4702-3758


Online dispute resolution; European ODR platform, Platform’s operating reports; Regulation 524/2013/UE; Direct-talk module; ADR entities; COVID-19.


In a few months, the European Commission will publish the report on the functioning and operation of the European Online Dispute Resolution platform during 2020, a year marked by two historical milestones that have had a direct impact on the scope of application of the above-mentioned platform: the global pandemic caused by COVID- 19 and the acquisition of the status of third state by the United Kingdom after it´s departure from the European Union became effective.

This order of events, together with it being the first report that will collect the results of the technical improvements implemented in the platform, makes necessary a brief analysis of both the platform and the reports elaborated by the Commission to determine the most relevant points to consider in the next report.


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How to Cite

Begoña FERNÁNDEZ RODRIGUEZ. (2022). Why should we look forward to the forthcoming report on the functioning of the european online dispute resolution platform to be issued by the European Commission?. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 10–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.rcaap.pt/juridica/article/view/26279