The role of new technologies in education for sustainable consumption: topics for civic and multidisciplinary consumer education
New technologies; human rights and sustainable consumption; civic education; multidisciplinary consumer formationAbstract
Can new technologies play an important role in education for sustainable consumption? It is already impossible to ignore the galloping scarcity of means and resources on the planet, directly proportional to the growth of the world population, climate change, the effects of wars and everything that is compromising the sustainable development of our societies. This work develops a qualitative and deductive analysis on the issue of sustainability and human rights in a globalised world, with emphasis on the identification of the problems arising from unbridled and irresponsible consumption; as well as the bibliographical research based on the review, analysis and interpretation of specialised literature, together with the legislative solutions available, in a digital and citizenship context. The outlined objectives are achieved by studying the situation experienced in our schools, from primary to higher education, passing through secondary education, both in Portugal and in other European countries. The results show that it is necessary and feasible to increase civic education and multidisciplinary training plans oriented towards sustainable consumption, valid both for children and young people and adults, using new technologies. There are countless digital tools at the service of student communities - and others besides - that facilitate and are able to intervene in the teaching/learning process with a reasonable degree of effectiveness. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that this (digital) way of education for sustainable consumption has not been sufficiently used. Due to lack of knowledge, in some cases, and lack of interest, in others. We only have one Earth! It is important to promote and encourage even more educational initiatives and projects through the use of appropriate technological tools and digital platforms, which are key mechanisms for consumer education and knowledge. In addition to consumers (who are all of us!), there is an urgent need to awaken the consciences of political decision-makers and companies to responsible use of available resources and sacred respect for human rights, in the belief that this is the way to a common future on Earth for present and future generations.
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