European citizenship and social citizenship: a pattern of fundamental rights



Court of Justice of the European Union; European citizenship; Social Citizenship; Righteousness standard.


The present work aims to analyze the development of the notion of European citizenship towards a social citizenship and the construction of a standard of fundamental rights in matters of social rights by the CJEU. Through the case study method and the analytical method, we will collect the CJEU case law regarding the minimum content of fundamental rights to be guaranteed to European citizens, specifically regarding social rights. Initially, we will identify the historical evolution of the concept of European citizenship. Next, we will move on to the study of its development towards a social citizenship. We will also analyze the importance of the EUCFR in the consolidation of this social citizenship. In the end, we will conclude with the way in which the CJEU fulfills the content of the right to citizenship in terms of social rights.


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How to Cite

Corrêa de AZEVEDO, L., & ALVES, D. R. (2022). European citizenship and social citizenship: a pattern of fundamental rights. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 284–306. Retrieved from



Módulo Jean Monet