Evaluation of Functional Mobility and Palmar Grip Strength of users assisted in Primary Care after COVID-19
Mobility Limitation, Muscle Strength, COVID-19Abstract
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the existence of the post-COVID-19 Syndrome or Covid Longa became evident through the perception of resistant signs and symptoms. The assessment and rehabilitation of the present sequelae should consider functional mobility and hand grip strength for a total return to activities of daily living. The present study aimed to evaluate the functional mobility and hand grip strength in the post-COVID-19 period of Basic Health Units (UBS’s) users in the city of São João del-Rei/MG. It was a cross-sectional study where 35 users of Primary Health Care (ABS) were evaluated, and the following assessments were used: a questionnaire containing 11 questions about the disease; assessment of vital signs; upper limb muscle strength with dynamometer; two-minute stationary gait test (TME´2) and time up and go (TUG). The SPSS 11.0 statistical package with the Chi-Square test was used for data analysis, considering the value of p<0.05 and the description of mean values and standard deviation. It was evidenced an average handgrip strength equal to 44.52 Kgf, average knee elevation in TME'2 being equal to 80 elevations and in TUG an average of 25 seconds (p<0.05). It was observed that individuals showed significant changes in functional mobility, while vital data, grip strength and aerobic capacity were within normal values for average age. It is concluded that the evaluated users presented functional mobility limitation as a sequel during the post-COVID-19 Syndrome, making it necessary to outline forms of functional rehabilitation aimed at improving the functional mobility of these users.
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