Miliary tuberculosis in the XXI century - a case report


  • Liliana Pinho Paediatric Service of Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Sara Oliveira Paediatric Service of Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de Gaia-Espinho
  • Josefina Serino Ophthalmology Service of Hospital Pedro Hispano, Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos
  • Teresa Febra Centro de Diagnóstico Pneumológico - Póvoa de Varzim-Vila do Conde
  • Sandra Ramos Paediatric Service of Centro Hospitalar Póvoa de Varzim-Vila do Conde
  • Conceição Silva Centro de Diagnóstico Pneumológico - Póvoa de Varzim-Vila do Conde
  • Maria José Dinis Paediatric Service of Centro Hospitalar Póvoa de Varzim - Vila do Conde; Centro de Diagnóstico Pneumológico - Póvoa de Varzim-Vila do Conde



Children, miliary, tuberculosis


Introduction: Tuberculosis is still a serious public health problem. Young age and HIV infection are important risk factors for severe or disseminated disease.

Case report: We report the case of a three-year-old girl who presented a prolonged fever without a source on physical examination. Initial laboratory fi ndings were suggestive of urinary tract infection and empirical antibiotic therapy was started. Urine culture confi rmed that diagnosis, but fever had persisted. On complementary investigation, chest X-ray revealed an< infiltrate with a miliary pattern. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated on gastric aspirate, cerebrospinal fluid and urine. Antituberculous therapy and corticoid were initiated with signifi cant clinical improvement.

Conclusions: Even in this era of advanced medical technology, tuberculosis is still a diagnostic challenge, especially when the presentation is atypical and extra-pulmonary. A high index of suspicion by the physician is required because prompt institution of adequate treatment is decisive for fi nal outcome.


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How to Cite

Pinho L, Oliveira S, Serino J, Febra T, Ramos S, Silva C, Dinis MJ. Miliary tuberculosis in the XXI century - a case report. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Mar.1 [cited 2025Feb.5];23(3):151-4. Available from:



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