Effectiveness of an empowerment-based educational program in self-efficacy perception in patients with diabetes
self efficacy, diabetes mellitus, type 2, health education, empowerment for health, nursing, educational programAbstract
Background: Studies suggest that empowerment-based educational models, implemented in patients with diabetes, may encourage the improvement of perceived self-efficacy. This variable is considered relevant in the therapeutic regimen self-management.
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of an empowerment-based educational program in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study, with two different evaluation moments, with a 6-week interval. A randomized sample of 42 participants (experimental group = 19; control group = 23), registered in a family health unit of the ARS of Central Portugal. The Diabetes Empowerment Scale - Short Form (DES-SF) was the instrument chosen to determine the program’s effectiveness. All formal and ethical procedures were assured.
Results: Patients subjected to the empowerment-based educational program presented a higher self-efficacy perception (p = 0.000) than those who followed the regular surveillance protocol.
Conclusion: Empowerment-based educational programs seem to contribute to an improvement in perceived self-efficacy and should, therefore, be used as an educational strategy for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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