Educational intervention to prevent unplanned removal of peripherally inserted central catheters in pediatrics




catheterization, central venous, catheterization, peripheral, intensive care units, pediatric, knowledge, health education


Background: The nursing team’s participation in educational interventions using the problematization methodology improves theoretical knowledge, reducing the number of catheters removed early.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of an educational intervention on the nursing team of a pediatric intensive care unit in improving theoretical knowledge about the prevention of complications resulting from the unplanned removal of peripherally inserted central catheters.

Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was conducted using a questionnaire before and after the educational intervention. The paired Student’s t-test was applied, with a significance level of 95% and a p-value of p < 0.05.

Results: Theoretical knowledge increased significantly after the educational intervention. The mean score for nursing technicians increased from 5.30 (SD = 1.49) to 9.10 (SD = 1.79), while the mean score for nurses increased from 11.83 (SD = 2.12) to 20.67 (SD = 2.46).

Conclusion: The theoretical knowledge about the prevention of complications should be used to improve catheter maintenance practices and reduce premature catheter loss.


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How to Cite

Godeiro, A. L. da S. ., Santos, L. M. C. ., Cavalcanti, E. F. O. ., Pinto, J. T. J. M. ., João Bosco Filho, Souza, A. L. S. ., & Mourad, R. P. . (2024). Educational intervention to prevent unplanned removal of peripherally inserted central catheters in pediatrics. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(3).



Research Articles