About the Journal
Scope and Editorial Policy
Servir , (ISSN 0871-2379 , eISSN 2184-5697) is a peer-reviewed scientific publication, owned by the Associação Católica dos Profissionais de Enfermagem e Saúde (ACPES). It is edited by ACEPS and based in Lisbon. It is published every four months (with special supplementary issues occurring whenever deemed appropriate).
The Servir Journal is available in electronic format, adopting, since 2019, a policy of free/open access (open access), allowing free access to all published content, without any kind of embargo or charge.
The editorial policy of the journal aims to contribute to the development and dissemination of theoretical and empirical scientific knowledge in the areas of nursing and health, adopting a transdisciplinary nature whenever possible.
To enable the transfer of scientific and technical knowledge to the real world of everyday life of academics, professionals and ordinary citizens, all articles must be original and scientifically relevant.
Scientific and technical articles and review articles, carried out with methodological rigor and with the potential to contribute to the development of scientific areas of life and health sciences are accepted for publication. Submitted articles must contain original data, have not yet been published (in part or in full), and must not be currently under editorial evaluation by another journal. It has an international scope, allowing publication in a bilingual format, in Portuguese and English, being the Portuguese version mandatory. Authors are advised to submit their articles to specialized translation services.
Servir Journal subscribes to the requirements proposed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for submission of scientific articles to refereed journals.
The proper way to cite the journal in bibliographical references is Servir.
The editorial policy follows the criteria of the Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, at no cost to the author or the reader.
The review process is fully managed in a double blind review system, preserving the identity of reviewers and authors.
Journal History
Servir Journal started its publication in 1952. Since then, it is pleased to contribute to the dissemination and scientific and technical discussion of the areas of nursing and health, with special emphasis on the Luso-Brazilian context.
Articles from Servir Journal are in PubMed, indexed by Medline from 1984 to 2013 (NLM ID: 860174)
Editor of Servir Journal
Catholic Association of Nursing and Health Professionals (ACPES). Established in 1948, ACEPS is a non-profit professional association serving the development of the nursing discipline and profession and the continuous updating of nurses and other health professionals. It also aims to support the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area of nursing and health in general.
Servir is a quarterly journal, publishing three issues annually (March, July, November)
Open Access Policy and Copyright
In order to promote the free circulation of knowledge, Servir is open access journal. All its content is available and protected under the Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0).
The journal allows self-archiving in institutional repositories of all versions, which may become immediately available
Editorial policies are defined according to the criteria of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Peer Review Policy
The journal follows the double-blind peer review process, with the decision to publish dependent on the favorable opinion of two external reviewers, one of them a native speaker of the language used in the paper. The reviewers, academic or professional experts, from different institutional and geographical backgrounds, will be recruited from the editorial board and according to the content of the submitted papers.
Plagiarism Policy
All articles submitted to Servir are checked for similarity using programs designed for this function. If plagiarism is detected in submitted articles, the submitted work and other publications will not be published for a period of time to be defined by the journal's direction.
Publication Fees
No processing fees (for submission of publication) will be charged.
Archiving policy
The Servir Journal is part of the SARC project - Scientific Journal Hosting Service, which is based on the platform for publication and management of publications OJS - Open Journal System. This service provided under the RCAAP project is provided in SaaS (Software as a Service) and all the activities of updating, monitoring, backups, security are developed.
Repository Policy
Servir allows self-archiving in institutional repositories of all versions, and can be made immediately available
Ethical conduct
Servir, within the scope of its policy of continuous improvement, respects high standards of ethical conduct, adopting, for this purpose, the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, created by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, 2018) and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). These Principles can be consulted at https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing and https://doaj.org.
Identification and contacts of the responsible persons:
Name of person responsible: Maria Madalena Jesus Cunha Nunes
Position / Function: Director / Editor-in-Chief of Servir Journal;
National President of the Catholic Association of Nursing and Health Professionals (ACPES).
Telephone contact - Telem: 918237156
Journal email: servir1952@gmail.com