Motivation for the work in nurses after transition from the model of hospital management
Hospital administration, Motivation, Nursing, Intensive CareAbstract
This study was based on research developed at national level and international, on the repercussions of hospital management model in the motivation of nurses. It´s defined as to assess the motivational state of the nurses after the model of transition management. For this purpose was taken a sample of 18 nurses of a Intensive Care Unit.
In the data collection it was used a questionnaire with sociodemographic questions and motivation, which applied by suggestion of the Service, during an internship. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results suggest that for 88.9% of the sample model change management interfered in the working conditions and relations between the staff generating an environment of competitive between it and with little benefit to patients. For most of the nurses constitute disincentives to work order and orientations of the Administrative Council. Just 11.1% of for the development / professional formation, unknown the majority the change process and objectives of the same. The results seem to reflect fear, lack of knowledge and involvement of the nurses in the change process.
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