O Caring in humanitude

a comforting perspective


  • Sónia Cristina Teixeira Batista Enfermeira no Hospital de São Francisco Xavier Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental E.P.E, Estudante no Instituto de Ciências da Saúde Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa
  • Joana Nogueira Gameiro Capaz Enfermeira no Hospital de São Francisco Xavier Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental E.P.E, Estudante no Instituto de Ciências da Saúde Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa;
  • Patrícia Cruz Pontífice Sousa Valente Ribeiro Professora Doutora, Professora Auxiliar no Instituto de Ciências da Saúde Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Lisboa




elderly, nursing care, humanitude, comfort


Objective: Synthesize scientific knowledge about humanitude’s care method in elderly care.

Method: Integrative literature review available in the CINAHL, LILACS and SciELO databases, using the descriptors: Humanitude, Care, Nursing, linked by the Boolean operator, published between 2006 and 2017, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Seven studies were selected after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Results: From the analysis arose the following thematic axes on the method of humanitude’s care: Importance that the nurses confer to the method; Application of the method in nursing care; and Formation of the humanitude’s care method in health professionals.

Conclusions: This study may contribute to a reflection and a change in nurse practice facing the need to respect and preserve the autonomy of the elderly, as well as the restructuring of teaching and training programs in institutions.


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How to Cite

Batista, S. C. T. ., Capaz, J. N. G., & Ribeiro, P. C. P. S. V. . (2019). O Caring in humanitude: a comforting perspective. Servir, 60(1-2), 38–46. https://doi.org/10.48492/servir021-2.24492


