The uncertainty in the critically ill person

contributions to a holistic and humanized care


  • Joana Silva Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, E.P.E
  • Patrícia Pontífice Sousa Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade



uncertainty, emotions, critical care


Introduction: The proximity to life´s threat triggers the person’s feelings of uncertainty, being this the psychological stressor with greater influence in critical situation.

Objectives: To know the impact of the uncertainty experienced by the critically ill person and, inherently, how to direct the nursing care in this scope.

Methods: Integrative literature review.

Results: Pejorative and ambivalent feelings are associated with uncertainty. Being away from significant people, inability to influence one’s own care, among others, fosters it. Their appreciation translates into a new life purpose. Coping mechanisms help in the adaptive process.

Conclusion: Knowing the impact of uncertainty in the critically ill person refers to directing nursing care in order to maximize adaptation, namely by optimizing the structure providers and framework stimuli of the person’s, involving her in their own care, and promoting coping strategies


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How to Cite

Silva, J., & Pontífice Sousa, P. (2019). The uncertainty in the critically ill person: contributions to a holistic and humanized care. Servir, 60(1-2), 59–65.


