Agrochemicals and suicide
an epidemiological emergency?
agriculture, agrochemicals, depression, suicideAbstract
Introduction: Suicide is a self-destructive behaviour considered as the act of intentionally causing one’s own death, constituting a serious public health problem. Depression and social, economic and cultural aspects are some of the predisposing factors for suicidal behaviour. The growing use of agrotoxics inagriculture constitutes a precursor of the occurrence of suicide by poisoning.
Objective: To analyse the correlation between the use of agrochemicals and the occurrence of suicide.
Methods: Exploratory study performed in a sample constituted by 53 deaths investigated as suicide among the population of Arapiraca, in the period between 2007 and 2013, which registered an average of 7.6 deaths per year (75.5% males and 24.5% females). Data collection was supported by the Record of Deaths by suicide (Registo de Óbitos por suicídio) SIM - codes X60 to X84-Chapter 20-CID-10, out of the DATASUS/ MS database, and in surveying the 53suicide victims’ families.
Results: The suicidal individuals were aged between 14 and 89 years old, 32.1% presented symptoms of depression, 35.8% worked with agrochemicals and 30.2% used them in agriculture. Findings showed that 32.1% of the suicidal people were in a depressive state (Fischer p=0.001), had previously tried tocommit suicide and used pesticides to carry out the act (30.2%).
Conclusion: There is a need for new studies on this problem, mainly with the purpose of ascertaining whether or not there is a correlation between exposureto agrotoxics and suicide, given that most suicidal people’s occupation over the period under study was agriculture, in which the indiscriminate use of thesechemicals was established. Our findings support that screening both depression and professional/social aspects is of crucial importance in order to promotepositive mental health and prevent suicide.
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