Shock and mortality rate in victims of interpersonal violence assisted in the emergency department
interpersonal violence, shock index, mortality rate, urgencyAbstract
Introduction: Knowing the shock and mortality rate of these victims of interpersonal violence allows adjusted interventions in order to increase their survival.
Objectives: To determine the rate of shock and mortality in victims of interpersonal violence assisted in the emergency department.
Methods: Observational study, with a cross-sectional cohort and retrospective focus, in a sample of 221 victims of interpersonal violence, admitted to the emergency department of a hospital in the central region of Portugal. The Schok Index (Mutschler, et al., 2013) and MGAP (Sartorius et al., 2010) scales were applied. The study received a favorable opinion from the Ethics Committee for Health of the institution.
Results: Male predominance (63.0%) with a mean age of 45.6 years, with a higher record of admissions on Sunday (18.5%), in the afternoon (54.0%), with urgent priority (67.5%) and discriminator “pain moderate” (50.0%), with a higher record of physical violence (99.5%). Mild shock (60.7%) and low mortality rate (95.4%) were the most representative.
Conclusion: The application of the Schok Index and MGAP scales allows establishing differentiated interventions according to the victim's hemodynamic changes, reducing the risk of mortality. Giving special attention to victims of violence in the community and younger.
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