Non-Pharmacological Nursing Interventions in Pain Management in Patients in Basic Emergency




Pain, Basic Emergency Service, Nursing, Non-pharmacological interventions, Pain Management


Introduction: Non-pharmacological nursing interventions are a relevant expression of the visibility and autonomy of nursing in Pain Management (PM) in the Emergency Service (ES).

Objective: Recognize Non-Pharmacological Nursing Interventions (NPNI) in PM in patients in the Basic Emergency Service (BES).

Methods: A cross-sectional, quantitative, and correlational study, carried out using the results obtained from the application of the Nursing Practices Scale in Pain Management (António, 2019) in a sample of 157 nurses in BES, applied from Google Docs.

Results: The promotion of comfort, adequate positioning, and knowledge, as well as the application of heat and cold, were recognized as NPNIS of pain management. There are no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) between the sociodemographic variables and the NPNI of PM. Male nurses, aged over 55 years, postgraduates with less time in professional practice, and those who have worked in BES for 21–30 years had higher scores, indicating that these are the participants who know the most about the NPNI and PM and execute them. The study revealed a prevalence of nurses with no training in pain, and, in an analysis by gender, male predominated.

Conclusion: The proposal to promote training is considered relevant, as a fundamental variable for the development of competences in PM through NPNI for patients who use the BES.


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How to Cite

Silva Alves, S. P., & Romão da Veiga-Branco, M. A. (2023). Non-Pharmacological Nursing Interventions in Pain Management in Patients in Basic Emergency. Servir, 2(06), e30277.


