Nursing Interventions in Pain Management in the Emery Department

Integrative Literature Review




Pain, Sick, Nurse, Emergency Service, Pain management


Introduction: Nursing Interventions (NI) in Pain Management (PM) in the Emergency Department (ED) are essential and an expression of the visibility of nursing care. The concept of pain relief is so humanly important that it makes the study of this theme relevant.

Objective: Typify Nursing Interventions in Pain Management in the ED, through an Integrative Literature Review (ILR).

Methods: Integrative Review, with PRISMA methodology, under PICO criteria, in PubMed/MEDLINE®, B-On, Cinahl EBSCO and RCAAP databases. From the search expression supported by the terms MeSH, with boolean search operators (Pain) AND (Acute Pain) AND (Pain Management) AND (Nurse) AND (Emergency Service, Hospital) AND (Patients), 116 studies emerged and 9 were selected.

Results: 6 categories of Nursing Interventions identified: Pain Assessment and Barriers (78%), Pharmacological Interventions (67%), Training (56%), Non-Pharmacological Interventions and Records (22%), of which 57 NI emerged (67% autonomous and 33% interdependent).

Conclusion: The need to create conditions to enhance best practices and hold health and nursing education institutions accountable was demonstrated.


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How to Cite

Afonso, O., & Veiga Branco, M. A. R. . (2023). Nursing Interventions in Pain Management in the Emery Department: Integrative Literature Review. Servir, 2(05), e30566.


