Residents' perceptions of the impacts of tourism: an analysis of Brazilian publications on the subject
Residents’ perceptions, Tourism impacts, Brazilian publications, Methodological analysisAbstract
Internationally, it has been deepening the studies in tourism, particularly in the last forty years. Several areas are interest to researchers, since the tourists’ motivation, planning of tourism, tourist facilities to residents’ perceptions, encompassing different stakeholders. Specifically on studies related to residents’ perceptions, there is increasing interest in addressing this issue. This is due, by the resident is an essential element in the practice of tourism. In Brazil, there are few studies to understand the residents’ perceptions compared with other topics in tourism. Observing this deficit and trying to understand how this country is being worked on, the aim of this study is to analyze the publications on this topic in Brazilian journals in the last five years (2008-2013). From a survey of published articles, using the website "Publications Tourism", twenty-two articles were identified. The analysis has shown that the studies are concentrated in the northeast region of Brazil and are essentially empirical and qualitative. With respect to the bibliography, it is still reduced the number of international articles used. It was concluded that there is need for better use of statistical tools, both as regards the definition of the samples, and in the analysis of results. To compare the results of studies, particularly with studies from other countries is also needed. Such actions may give more credibility to Brazilian publications.
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