Barcelona, Paris, Rome: The promotion of destinations through cultural identity traits in Woody Allen film trailers


  • Alcina Sousa Competence Centre for Arts and Humanities, University of Madeira
  • Luísa Marinho Antunes Competence Centre for Arts and Humanities, University of Madeira



Trailers, Promoting destinations, Identity


What is underlying in this case study, of interdisciplinary kind – with a focus on semiotics, multimodality, discourse analysis (Kress & van Leuwen, 2006) and marketing in tourism – is the issue related to multimodal communication and the rhetorical power of the image in the promotion of a destination / territory, by the creative display of topics, daily situations of interaction, which are not to be found in traditional means of destination promotion and dissemination. Concerning marketing, it is acknowledged today that cinema can represent a location, standing for an important vehicle for tourism promotion of a selected place. The selection of trailers of films by Woody Allen, in the scope of film-induced tourism and promoting destinations, such as Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), Midnight in Paris (2011) and To Rome with Love (2012), owes to the fact that the selected scenes and settings evidence mechanisms such as the resource to stereotypes, by emphasizing heritage and cultural traits, to comic situations, combining authenticity in the representation of situations, characters and familiar places, thus triggering curiosity and interest in the trip as well as the search of new sensations in both familiar and unfamiliar territories. This study will analyze excerpts of films which positive / negative impacts have contributed to the promotion of destinations even though these films have not been conceived for tourism promotion. This reflection will be complemented with the analysis of comments by followers on websites and blogs which evidence novel ways of perceiving places and destinations through viewing trailers. By involving viewers / travelers in the community of followers, these trailers represent new ways of destination promotion.


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How to Cite

Sousa, A., & Marinho Antunes, L. (2023). Barcelona, Paris, Rome: The promotion of destinations through cultural identity traits in Woody Allen film trailers. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(1), 69–89.