Globalisation, wines and tourism


  • Cynthia Regina Fonte Boa Pinto Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (Brasil) / Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina)



Globalization, Tourism Wines, Traditional production processes


The speed of the changes in the world shows a space and a society in a process of transition, especially in the last 30 years. The transition of the production processes configures the lives of people and transforms spaces. The complexity of the changes involves strategies of diversification for products and services, as in the case of the wines production and tourism wine. In this sense, the purpose of this study is to make a brief reflection on the changes in the production process of wines in the world; present some conceptual aspects of the globalization while current economic paradigm, reflecting on the social, environmental and political global networks and associate the process of developing wine tourism activity that emerges as a increment of the list of products and services, markets and technology base. It was developed a literature on the issues and produced a bibliographic analyses with related data. The global market can generate productive processes of excellence but answered in terms of standardization of taste and appearance of wine. The valorization of "terroir" to the detriment of the valorization of the brand certainly can help in strengthening the traditional methods of production and the small producers who are constantly pressured by large companies with large capital investments. The current global context can’t be inconsiderate but the legitimacy of the processes and social capital holding organized groups should prevail and assist strengthening of traditional production processes.


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How to Cite

Fonte Boa Pinto, C. R. . (2023). Globalisation, wines and tourism. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(4), 293–306.