The Friends of Sea Turtles Programme of the TAMAR/ICMBio Project and the guest houses in Fernando de Noronha - Brazil
Lodging, Fernando de Noronha, Program Friends of Sea Turtles, Tamar ProjectAbstract
More than just provide hosting services, hotels, lodgings or other typologies, can be transmitters of information of the settings. The bed and breakfast /inns on Fernando de Noronha island (a brazilian archipelago), are a kind of lodging that use ¨dolphins¨and not ¨stars¨to classificate. At this different kind of lodging, the Tamar/ICMBio Project, a Brazilian conservation project engaged in the preservation of sea turtles, developed an environmental education action, in order to take advantage of these interpretative mean to inform the tourist, thus developing, the Program Friends of Sea Turtles. The program had the objective of interact with these establishments, integrating and informing them on the activities of the Tamar/ICMBio Project on the Island, capacitating owners and employees to transmit to the guests, accurate information of these activities. Thus, the main objective of this paper was to show the interaction of the Friends of Sea Turtles Program of the Tamar Project/ICMBio of Fernando de Noronha and this kind of lodging on the island. The methodology used was based on relevant bibliography (in virtual and printed media), participative activities and research in loco. The results of this program lead to broadening people's knowledge about the Tamar and the conservation of Sea Turtles.
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