The Black Coast Shrimp Festival in Acaraú and Gastronomic Tourism: An analysis of the event


  • Marco Antonio Venâncio Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE



Tourism, Gastronomy, Shrimp farming, Commercial value


The municipalities of Acaraú, Itarema, Cruz and Jericoacoara, which are inserted in the Valley of Acaraú in the State of Ceará, make up the so-called "black coast". The high protein content in this region enabled the cultivation of shrimp in captivity with a higher quality. According to the organizers, the festival aims to promote the region, develop it commercially and highlight its gastronomy and tourist potential. The big gain with the festival is to link the quality of locally produced shrimp to the national and world cuisine. The study aimed to evaluate the festival, and check if it has fulfilled its goal. The research approach is qualitative and the methodological procedure is bibliographical and exploratory. The main results were evaluated taking into account the scope of the proposed targets. The evaluation study concluded that the event has contributed to the improvement of commercial value, the divulgation of the product, and the industry's recovery.


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How to Cite

Venâncio, M. A. (2023). The Black Coast Shrimp Festival in Acaraú and Gastronomic Tourism: An analysis of the event. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 7(2), 63–79.