Wine tourism in the São Francisco Valley, north-east Brazil: an alternative to regional development


  • Patrícia Lins de Arroxelas Galvão Federal Institute of Alagoas - IFAL, Brazil



Wine tourism, Territory, Regional Development


The São Francisco Valley, located in the semiarid tropical climate in the Northeastern Brazil, has suffered transformations in the area that was marked by the practice of local supply agricultural and, currently, developing irrigated agriculture, making it possible to program grape harvests for the wole week and get up to 2,5 harvests per year. Boost by agribusiness projects, the valley attracts investments from international wineries, creating unusual development of euphoria in the northeastern hinterland, usually marked by drought, poverty and low human development index, standing out as regional territorial development framework. Investing in wine production, government and businessmen invest to structuring the wine tourism, which presents a unique way of ongoing consolidation. This paper aims to analyse the territorial dynamics in the São Francisco Valley, realizing new practices relating to activities and tourist flows of the territory, with the new tourist facilities. The research, from qualitative approach, was conducted by survey, literature review and the field research, developed by the technique of participant observation with wineries, government and institutions linked to viticulture and tourism. The wine tourism is a important activity for the tourist to visit the region and to enjoy environmental, cultural and gastronomic attractions. The tourism valued the territory, associated to changes from the artificial objects. There is a strong refining, recreating the area from increasingly artificial actions to grant the wishes and expectations of visitors. It becames singular tourist territory, with differentiated wine production of traditional.


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How to Cite

Lins de Arroxelas Galvão, P. (2023). Wine tourism in the São Francisco Valley, north-east Brazil: an alternative to regional development. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 6(2), 82–200.