Food waste: A problem of the past, present and future


  • Diogo Plácido Pinto Batista ISCE - Lisbon and Tagus Valley Higher Institute
  • Nuno Abranja ISCE - Lisbon and Tagus Valley Higher Institute



Tourism, Food waste, Restaurants


Food waste is an extremely important adversity in a global context, being directily interconnected with other themes of society, both in a social, health, economy and environmental level. The scope of this paper is the problem of food waste in general, in the world and in Portugal, and also in a specific way, in tourism, particularly in restaurants. In specific terms, we intend to understand, through interviews with employees of different restaurants, their position on this topic, taking into account its influence in a business context and if there are some measures taken to prevent the problem. The results of the interviews made show that this is still an important and current problem despite the people showing more and more awareness about the impacts in the world and in the restaurant business accounts, who try to adopt measures such as the reuse of food or a better food preservation.


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How to Cite

Plácido Pinto Batista, D., & Abranja, N. (2023). Food waste: A problem of the past, present and future. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 17(1), 150–172.