Commercial air transport – A documentary review
Transportation System, Aviation, Trends, Demand, SustainabilityAbstract
This study leads us to understand the history of evolution in aviation, when it is believed that more than 4000 years ago, it was possible to develop an object that could fly. Some explorers were led by daydreaming, others were thought up by an intellectual mentor. At the end of the 19th century and the middle of the 20th century, particularly in the post-war period, we witnessed technological advances in the construction of aircraft resulting from the evolution of military aviation, as well as the opening of borders regarding the regularization of freedoms and the operability of the air. In a different way, the 21st century has learned how the world connects and communicates, reacting with dramatic environmental scenarios, transformative innovations in the commercial aviation industry, but also a significant and decentralized offer in the preferences of travellers. After the pandemic crisis (SARS-COVID-2019), the world population reacted better than expected, highlighted by the growth in international domestic flights and a substantial increase in market demand for passengers in the Asia-Pacific region, falling short compared to European expectations. Still in this article, we analysed the proposal from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), referring to environmental actions until 2050 – 'Net Zero Carbon', followed by new ideas, solutions and responses for the sustainability of aviation, revealed with new appearances, segmentations and phenomena of a market that may be close to change.
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