About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Aims & Scope
Sisyphus — Journal of Education aims to be a place for debate on political, social, economic, cultural, historical, curricular and organizational aspects of education. It pursues an extensive research agenda, embracing the opening of new conceptual positions and criteria according to present tendencies or challenges within the global educational arena.

The journal publishes papers displaying original researches—theoretical studies and empirical analyses—and expressing a wide variety of methods, in order to encourage the submission of both innovative and provocative work based on different orientations, including political ones. Consequently, it does not stand by any particular paradigm; on the contrary, it seeks to promote the possibility of multiple approaches. The editors will look for articles in a wide range of academic disciplines, searching for both clear and significant contributions to the understanding of educational processes.

Research focus
Sisyphus — Journal of Education seeks contributions within the framework of two main research lines: Education XXI and Change Forces in Education.

Education XXI addresses the diversification, modernization and improvement of education. It studies the development of educational structures, processes and practices, including the integration and use of digital technologies, oriented towards the promotion of socially relevant learning. Attention will be given to two central problems: quality of learning, considering issues related to the acquisition and development of competences and skills; and inclusion, addressing the ongoing engagement with diversity.
Change Forces in Education deals with the coordination, steering and monitoring of change in education systems. Attention will be given to two central problems: the professional development in education professions, particularly focusing on the socialization and training processes of teachers and other educators; and the processes and effects of participation and accountability in the governance of education systems, particularly focusing on the construction, implementation and assessment of educational public policies.

Sisyphus accepts papers submitted by researchers, scholars, educational administration professionals, teachers, students, and well-informed observers of the educational field and correlative domains. Additionally, the journal will encourage and accept proposals embodying unconventional elements, such as photographic essays and artistic creations.

Along with the articles, the journal may include other research materials such as case-study reports, experiences and inquiries, conceptual and methodological discussions and on-going research papers.

The journal is directed towards an international audience of academics, researchers, students, educators, teachers, politicians and educational administration professionals.

editorial team | contact | submission guidelines | ethics statement |  2024 reviewers | IE-ULisboa [publisher]


Section Policies [thematic focus]

Education XXI
Manuscripts submitted to this section must reflect effective advances in scientific knowledge in subjects related to:
1. Identification, analysis and promotion of practices of inclusion and equity in formal and non-formal educational contexts, including higher education contexts, youngsters and unschooled adults, in order to cope with increasing diversity and technological development of current societies;
2. Study desirable and relevant literacies, for the Portuguese context, namely in mathematics, science, and physical education, especially regarding sensitive and at risk student groups, taking into account genre, sociocultural origin, and involvement in school, and design of intervention strategies in order to support curriculum development and teacher education;
3. Innovation and improvement of teaching and training practices using technology enhanced learning with emerging digital technologies (such as augmented reality, data analytics, forms of narrative storytelling, taking advantage of mobile learning) and understanding its impact on learners, learning, teachers and teaching in order to contribute to wider adoption in schools.

Change Forces in Education
Manuscripts submitted to this section must reflect effective advances in scientific knowledge in subjects related to:
1. Expansion of the empirical-based analysis of the role, scope and depth of international large scale assessments effects in education governance, focusing on the relations between public policies and the evolution of Portuguese students’ performance in PISA, and on the mobilization and translation of PISA data into “knowledge for policy” by state and non-state actors;
2. Provision of public authorities on a regular basis with data, analysis and evaluations on processes, effects, best-practices, and governance patterns of national policies and programs, specifically on major challenges of Portuguese education such as: reduction of early school leaving; promotion of adult education; development of school autonomy and accountability;
3. Development of new models for teacher education (in-service and pre-service) for promoting literacy, inclusion, citizenship participation and empowerment combining practice-based, collaborative and technology enriched training frameworks.


Peer Review Process

Double-blind peer review
This journal operates under a Double-Blind Peer Review Policy, either for articles submitted through our ongoing submissions procedure, or for those articles to be included in special issues (by invitation and/or self-proposal submissions).

See our Review Process for more detailed information.


Ethics and Good Practices

Our ethics and good practice conduct requirements and own responsibilities are entailed with the Carta Ética para a Investigação em Educação e Formação do Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa [Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa’ Ethical Charter for Research in Education and Training] and inspired by international codes, such as the Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Code of Ethics of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) principles (professional competence; integrity; professional, scientific, and scholarly responsibility; respect for people’s rights, dignity, and diversity; and social responsibility) and ethical standards, which ones we advocate.

Our main goal is to publish innovative and valuable research, produced and disseminated in the most responsible, transparent, and ethical way. A goal that must be pursued by all the individuals engaged in Sisyphus editorial process, such as the authors, reviewers, and, of course, us, editors and editorial team. We most value, and pledge, the freedom and integrity of action and of all involved, and consequent responsible autonomy and ethical awareness. So, Sisyphus deploys and states a set of internal practices and requirements to safeguard its ethical principles.

For more detailed information see our Ethics Statement


Publication Frequency

The Journal is published every four months: February, June and October.


Copyright Notice

Copyright (c) belongs to Sisyphus - Journal of Education. However, we encourage issued articles to be published elsewhere, provided that Sisyphus authorization is asked for and that authors integrate our original source citation and a link to our website.


Open Access Policy

Our journal offers free, immediate access to its contents, with no embargo period, revealing our belief that an unrestrained circulation of knowledge will contribute to a greater democratisation of scientific work worldwide.

The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)


Author Self-Archiving Policy

Author(s) are permitted to self-archive the final published version in institutional or thematic repositories, and in their personal or institutional websites.


No Charges

This journal doesn’t demand any article submission or processing charges.



This journal has an anti-plagiarism detection system (Ouriginal) to ensure the originality of published articles.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Abstracting and Indexing





























The Instituto de Educação (IE) is the School of the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) dedicated to research, teaching and intervention in the public sphere, in the field of education and training.
We promote the best university education, providing our students with the right conditions to learn and take action in different contexts of education and training, in public services, in companies and in the third sector. Our educational offer is increasingly aimed at a variety of publics, from young people beginning their studies in the 1st cycle, to those seeking new skills during their professional careers, particularly through post-graduate training.
Research is our driving activity and we respond to the contemporary challenges of education and innovation by producing diagnostic and prospective knowledge, directed at public policy and action. We privilege research focused on the challenges of differentiation, modernisation and improvement of educational offers, and on political, social and cultural processes, of change in education.
We intervene primarily in Portuguese society, in multiple fields of education, while engaging intensely in academic and cooperation networks within Europe and in Portuguese speaking countries, from where we are receiving an ever-expanding contingent of post-graduate students.
We work hard to be ‘a voice in public action’, achieving powerful presence in the spaces where education is thought about, discussed, deliberated and implemented, and a ‘leading school’, in education and in research, in both national and international contexts.

Postal address
Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa
Alameda da Universidade
1649-013 Lisboa

Email: geral@ie.ulisboa.pt
Tel.: +351 21 794 36 33
Fax: +351 21 793 34 08

Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa



This journal is financed by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within the scope of the Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Educação e Formação (PEst-OE/CED/UI4107/2011 & PEst-OE/CED/UI4107/2014,  UID/CED/04107/2016 & UID/CED/04107/2019, and UIDB/04107/2020).

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal)


Journal History

Sisyphus — Journal of Education is an editorial initiative undertaken by the Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), an institution that since 2009 has been devoting itself to the development and increase of the potential for debate and inquiry in the fields of Education and Training. This publication embodies the legacy of two previous scientific journals, each of them connected to a former institute of this University, from which it inherits both the heading and subheading: Sísifo – Educational Sciences Journal, published by the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences between 2006 and 2010 (sisifo.fpce.ul.pt); Revista de Educação [Journal of Education], published by the Department of Education of the Faculty of Science, between 1986 and 2011 (revista.educ.fc.ul.pt).