Science education and its relationship with other educations in global change scenarios
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2025)Guest editor
William Manuel Mora-Penagos [Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia]The 21st century faces technological, military, and environmental crises that demand a "human reset" to redefine the future of humanity. Science education must undergo a sociopolitical and cultural shift, promoting epistemic diversity without falling into irrationality and addressing challenges such as misinformation and denialism. This number of Sisyphus brings together qualitative studies from researchers in various countries on science education and its intersections with art, interculturality, ecofeminism, and decoloniality. The articles explore topics such as scientific literacy, interdisciplinarity, inclusive teaching, and sustainability, emphasizing the need for socially responsible science to tackle the challenges of the Anthropocene.
Socio-Scientific Controversies and Science Teachers Training: Research experiences and perspectives
Vol. 12 No. 3 (2024)Guest editor
Mario Quintanilla-Gatica [Departamento de Didáctica, Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile]This monograph has the purpose of sharing different productions of innovation and educational research in the field of science education from a critical socio-scientific perspective, with the aim of identifying, characterizing and deepening different dimensions and contexts that provide evidence and theoretical orientations, useful and necessary for the initial and continuous training of science teachers. It is made up of 8 articles from different geographies and institutional cultures that will undoubtedly inspire educational practices and promote critical thinking in a world in complex transformation, where scientific education has an irreducible role in professional development to intervene and transform reality.
Educational Research Themes
Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024)Sisyphus' editors [Org.]
[only ongoing submission articles issue] -
Class matters: social class and adult education
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024)Guest Editors
Fergal Finnegan [Department of Adult and Community Education, Maynooth University, National University of Ireland, Ireland]
Barbara Merrill [Centre of Lifelong learning, University of Warwick, United Kingdom]Over the past sixty years social class and social class analysis has been a key focus of educational research in many countries and in different educational institutional contexts and drawing on a range of theoretical approaches such as Weberian, Marxist, Durkheimian etc. In particular research and literature has illuminated the power of education to reproduce and perpetuate class inequalities. Historically class has been approached in a different way in adult education research and practice with a greater focus on agency and lived experience. This is connected to the influence of radical adult education on scholarship and pedagogy in some countries such as the Workers Educational Association in the UK, the folk high school movement in Scandinavia, and popular education in Latin America which were connected to democratic and socialist working-class movements which promoted class solidarity and social transformation (albeit understood in very varied ways). To a large extent this horizon has disappeared, or at least been reconfigured. Research on social class is also increasingly recognising that class does not exist in isolation but intersects with other forms of inequality such as gender and race. Just as importantly studies indicate that although class relations and politics are changing class still matters. However, while there is a body of studies on working class experience and a strong interest in questions of inequality in contemporary adult education it is striking how rarely class in foregrounded and the extent to which adult education scholarship is disconnected from new work on class in social science. This special issue aims to spark discussion and debate on this topic.
Critical Approaches in Educational Technology
Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023)Guest Editors
Marina Bazzo de Espíndola [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil]
Mariona Grané [Universitat de Barcelona, Spain]This monograph has the objective to collect productions from the field of research in education and technologies from a critical perspective, with the aim of deepening our understanding of the implications and possibilities of ICT in and for the educational context. It is composed by 9 articles about the Education-ICT relationship that explore: teacher training in order to overcome the mere instrumentality of technologies, discussing critical-reflexive possibilities, the full education of students in the face of contemporary challenges, how these challenges impact on school curricula and how we need to discuss what and why to teach in relation to digital technologies; and finally they discuss educational technologies themselves and their development from a critical perspective.
Thinking Education in Times of Transition
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023)Guest Editors
Joaquim Pintassilgo, Ana Paula Caetano, Estela Costa, Maria João Mogarro, Mónica Baptista [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]We are living times of transition, including in the educational field. The school model we inherited from the 19th and 20th centuries has been under question in many ways. Societies have changed a lot and so have educational contexts. Access to education has become universal and school publics have become much more diverse, both socially and culturally. Digital technology has brought new ways of accessing knowledge and new challenges. But these are also paradoxical times. Criticism of school organization and trends towards descolarization or privatization run parallel to the demand for a quality public school, regarded as a space of socialization and construction of a democratic, universal but simultaneously plural citizenship. Investing in an increasingly inclusive education goes hand in hand with the awareness of inequalities which are becoming more pronounced, for instance, with respect to accessing the digital world. The cult of individualism and commercialization arises alongside militancy for civic, social or environmental causes. Thus, in these times of transition, it is important to think the future(s) of Education. This is what we seek to do in the monographic component of this issue, through a diversified set of perspectives we can organize according to two major thematic axes: 1) Education, diversity and new learning environments, with emphasis on inclusion practices in formal and non-formal educational contexts and on learning in technologically advanced societies; 2) Education and change, with emphasis, on the one hand, on the relation between regulation, autonomy and accountability and, on the other, on new models of teachers’ professional development.
Time and Temporalities in (Adult) Education and Learning
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023)Guest Editor
Sabine Schmidt-Lauff [Helmut Schmidt University - University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany]With the modern era, time is radically rethought as an expression of movements under the aspect of its use and formability. Due to modern ideas of the nature of time as something socio-culturally changeable and individually responsible, time is no longer something objectively given, but a highly ambivalent and complex element of shaping. As such an element of creating, ordering, and controlling, time and temporalities are a fundamental part of lifelong and lifewide learning. All these observations make it clear how important the tracing and understanding of the effects of time on education and learning is and how unavoidable temporal-relational contextualization are. This special edition, consisting of seven articles, might illustrate how differentiated time-related approaches in education research and empirical exploration are evolving. This collection of articles presents theoretical conceptualizations, methodological approaches, epistemological models, and empirical inquiries about time and temporal phenomena highly relevant to education and learning.
Research scenarios in Special and Inclusive Education
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2022)Guest Editor
Sani de Carvalho Rutz da Silva [Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil]For some time, Special Education and Inclusive Education policies have been debated in congresses, conferences and journals, in several countries. However, when considering the inclusion of people with disabilities in mainstream education, there are still barriers that prevent this action to be fully implemented. The inclusion of people with disabilities is preferentially carried out in mainstream schools, a space where students appropriate knowledge aiming to provide them with a more autonomous social life. One form of access to this is through the use of technology as a pedagogic mediation tool to support the teaching-learning process, especially in the case of students with disabilities. This special edition, made up of nine articles, presents research on challenges regarding the dissemination and implementation of public policies, continued training for teachers’ action in an inclusive perspective, and the contributions of using educational technological resources as a possibility for pedagogic innovation. These studies heighten reflections on research scenarios in Special and Inclusive Education for the teaching-learning process of people with disabilities.
International perspectives on comparative analysis: policy and practices in adult education
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)Guest Editors
Paula Guimarães [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]
Regina Egetenmeyer [University of Würzburg, Germany]
Natália Alves [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]This thematic issue of Sisyphus aims at contributing to understanding diversity, fragmentation and complexity of comparison in adult education research, focussing on policy and practices developed in different parts of the world. The articles to be include in this issue are the outcome of the vivid discussion held in the INTALL Adult Education Academy 2021, promoted by the University of Würzburg, when the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on every ones’ lives, in special in those attending this educational initiative. Joined by more than 60 students and 20 teaching staff from higher education institutions of 5 continents, the INTALL Adult Education Academy is a significant event to reflect critically about adult education comparison when a health situation constrained and still constrains mobility and face-to-face teaching.
Educational Research Themes
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022)Sisyphus' editors [Org.]
[only ongoing submission articles issue] -
Educational Research Themes
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2021)Sisyphus' editors [Org.]
[only ongoing submission articles issue] -
Collaboration in Mathematics Teacher Education
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021)Guest Editor
Márcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino [Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil]Collaboration has stood out for its potential in the training of teachers who teach mathematics, for promoting interaction processes between teachers, future teachers, teacher educators, coordinators, among other educational agents, and, therefore, a learning environment for all people involved in those interaction processes. This special issue consists of nine articles that can contribute to a qualified debate about the potentialities and difficulties encountered in the search for a collaborative environment.
Educational Research Themes
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021)Sisyphus' editors [Org.]
[only ongoing submission articles issue] -
Old Masters, New Meanings: Is there a Need to Reconceptualize Emancipation?
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020)Guest Editor
Danny Wildemeersch [Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium]Emancipatory education became an important notion for critical pedagogues from the sixties and seventies of the 20th century onwards. Various ‘old masters’ then inspired educationalists with their interpretation of this concept. Today, times have profoundly changed. The question now is whether these interpretations are still valid. Is there a need to reconsider them? To what extent are the ideas of ‘the old masters’ still useful? What elements are outdated? Six contributions engage with these questions reminding us of the ideas of Paulo Freire, John Dewey, Bruno Latour, Ivan Illich, Jacques Rancière and Axel Honneth.
Educational Research Themes
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020)Sisyphus' editors [Org.]
[only ongoing submission articles issue] -
Education Policies and Changes in the Teaching Profession
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020)Guest Editors
Dalila Andrade Oliveira [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil]
Sofia Viseu [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]This thematic issue aims to present a set of empirical-based studies focused on the effects of the ongoing changes in education policies on the restructuring of the teaching profession. More precisely, from Latin American geographies, the issue shows how teaching profession reconfiguration has been operated in the context of the processes of transnational governance in education. Therefore, the thematic issue invites its readers to reflect on changes in the work and teaching profession, namely in the training and socio-professional trajectories, in teachers’ profile, initial entry, assessment and career progression. The changes regarding the work and teaching profession are conceived as part of New Public Management reforms, whose transnational circulation is associated with the intervention of multiple international organizations, through agenda and rule-setting and rule-following.
The 21st Century: An Exercise of Uncertainties
Vol. 7 No. 3 (2019)Guest Editors
Candido Alberto Gomes [Cátedra UNESCO Juventude, Educação e Sociedade, Brazil]
João Casqueira Cardoso [Universidade Fernando Pessoa / CEPESE, Porto, Portugal]To introduce this issue, the editors start from the simple observation that everything has become more complex. The relationship of human beings with the environment, the relationship of human beings with others, and the relationship of human beings to her/himself — all this tends to change. With a bad memory of the past events, despite the teachings of History, Philosophy and, indeed, Education, contemporary societies have developed new modalities for violating the rights and the integrity of the various species. How is it possible to think about education in this context? How is it possible to rethink the forms and formulas of education, in a broader perspective, but without leaving aside the particularities? What are the prospects offered by the new approaches that, although promising, may not be accompanied by acts? Various questions for the various contributions of this issue, having in common to propose practical ideas about tomorrow.
Lifelong Education
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019)Guest Editor
Paula Guimarães [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]Depois da II Guerra Mundial e até à década de 1970, registou-se um forte incremento do progresso científico e tecnológico. Assistiu-se igualmente à massificação dos sistemas educativos, tendência esta acompanhada pelo descontentamento face aos modelos pedagógicos vigentes. A ideia de que os sujeitos se educavam ao longo da vida, através do conceito de educação permanente, surgiu neste âmbito nos finais da década de 1950, preconizada num primeiro momento pelo Conselho da Europa e mais tarde, em finais da década de 1960, pela UNESCO. Esta ideia surgia como uma nova proposta educativa que concedia maior protagonismo aos contextos não formais e informais de educação, formação e aprendizagem. Assente numa perspetiva democrática e humanista, a ideia incluía uma forte crítica ao modelo escolar tradicional, acusado de pouco flexível e desmobilizador da participação daqueles que se educavam, assim como pouco eficaz na promoção da igualdade de oportunidades e da mobilidade social ascendente (...)
Technology Enhanced Learning
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019)Guest Editors
Ana Pedro, João Piedade, João Filipe Matos [Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal]O número temático da Revista Sisyphus — Journal of Education que agora se apresenta estrutura-se em torno de um conjunto de textos selecionados entre os trabalhos apresentados no V Congresso Internacional TIC e Educação – ticEDUCA 2018. Subordinado à temática Technology Enhanced Learning | Aprendizagem Enriquecida por Tecnologias, o ticEDUCA 2018 decorreu em setembro de 2018, tendo sido um espaço privilegiado de partilha e reflexão sobre a investigação desenvolvida no domínio das Tecnologias Digitais na Educação.
Com vista à edição de um número especial da Sisyphus — Journal of Education que considerassem representativo da qualidade científica apresentada em setembro de 2018, os editores deste número convidaram um conjunto de autores a apresentar para esta edição uma versão mais completa e aprofundada das investigações apresentadas no ticEDUCA 2018, perfazendo, deste modo, sete artigos selecionados.
Educational Research Themes
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2018)Sisyphus' editors [Org.]
[only ongoing submission articles issue] -
Education, Health and Care [Éducation, Santé et Soins]
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018)Guest Editors
Elizeu Clementino de Souza [Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brazil]
Christine Delory-Momberger [Université Paris 13, France]By focusing on the notion of care as an enhancer of learning processes related to illness and biographical narratives of people with chronic diseases, this thematic issue about Education, Health and Care intends to socialize innovative studies at the interface between Education and Health. These texts approach methodological dimensions in the field of patients’ narratives with chronic diseases (sclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, mental illness, among others) and imply considerations that rise from biographical experiences with illness, but also reviews on public health policies, training of health professionals and health care actions.This number seeks to increase the discussion between narratives, education, health and care, in dialogue with the principles of the patient therapeutic education, the interdisciplinary actions in the field of health, the work of health professionals and patient narratives. The dossier contributes with theoretical considerations about education and health, as well as shows results of researches dedicated to narratives and learnings with the disease, in the field of biographical research in education, narrative medicine and health care actions, whether with children or adults.
The Right to Education
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018)Guest Editors
João Casqueira Cardoso [Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal]
Candido Alberto Gomes [Consultor da UNESCO, Brazil]O direito à educação reveste-se de vários sentidos, como precioso fruto do Iluminismo e da Ilustração. Ora é concebido como fazedor de milagres, a alterar valores, atitudes e comportamentos de indivíduos e sociedades; ora é um direito programático e residual, importante apenas para a “formação de capital humano”, quando ele se caracteriza como efetivo. Este movimento pendular de otimismo e pessimismo educativos, observado em diferentes períodos, em momentos solitários ou em momentos simultâneos, na verdade não faz jus ao direito à educação. É possível, ao mesmo tempo, verificar a relevância do direito à educação ora para um lado, ora para outro, em diferentes espaços geográficos e sociais contemporaneamente, o que dificulta generalizações fundamentadas na empiria. A própria Constituição da UNESCO, escrita sobre as cinzas da Segunda Guerra Mundial na Europa, assumiu uma posição idealista, com o seu propósito de construção utópica da paz mundial. Entretanto, o idealismo mistura-se ao realismo quando nos damos conta da importância das ideias, dos conhecimentos científicos, verdadeiros e falsos, das ideologias, dos currículos escolares e universitários e dos meios de comunicação de massa para esculpir tanto as noções de paz e fraternidade, como os ódios, em múltiplas dimensões.
Education and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): International Perspectives
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017)Guest Editor
Marta Romero-Ariza [Universidad de Jaén, Spain]What kind of science education is required in a world deeply influenced by science and technology? How can we contribute to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) through science education? Are students and teachers prepared to address current socio-scientific challenges? What kinds of pedagogies foster the skills and values required for taking a critical position in the discussion of socio-scientific problems? Which teaching and learning activities prepare students to actively contribute to the development of smart and creative solutions? These and others are some of the key questions underlying this special issue devoted to education and RRI.
Socially Acute Questions [Questions Socialement Vives]
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017)Guest Editors
Laurence Simonneaux [Université de Toulouse, France]
Chantal Pouliot [Université Laval, Québec, Canada]Legardez et Simonneaux (2006) ont proposé le terme ‘Questions Socialement Vives’ – (QSV) en anglais ‘Socially Acute Questions’ (SAQ) – pour décrire des questions complexes ouvertes controversées et intégrées dans des contextes réels. Ces questions sont au cœur du problème de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage dans un monde incertain, influencé par le développement des technosciences et par les crises environnementales et sanitaires. Ces questions situent la controverse sociale et scientifique, la complexité, le renforcement de l'expertise, l'évaluation de la preuve, l'incertitude et le risque au cœur du processus d'enseignement-apprentissage.
Education: Challenges of an Immanent Research
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017)Guest Editors
Estela Scheinvar [Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil]
Maria Lívia do Nascimento [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil]
Kátia Aguiar [Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil]
Thinking the present as a critical attitude has turned an urgent and necessary task for those who have abandoned a long time ago the polemics around the scientific neutrality and dived into the challenges of an immanent research. From this perspective the know-how of those who research engenders and is engendered on their own ways of researching, since those ways are invested of potencies that generate questions, images, affections. In this way of doing, which also means a way of saying and writing, the research is unfolded and experimentations gain the center of the scene, leading a movement of prudent and moving approach to the context of social practices in the field of education.
We could say, running the risk of lightening the words, that such attitude in research problematizes the social practices and the objects that correspond to them – including the research practices themselves. Proposals that find and call for different intercessors – some closer to microphysics, others to micro politics and, also, to institutionalisms – so they can give visibility to the processes of adjustment, of control and of refusal in the field of education.