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Education XXI
Addresses the diversification, modernization and improvement of education. It studies the development of educational structures, processes and practices, including the integration and use of digital technologies, oriented towards the promotion of socially relevant learning. Attention is given to two central problems: quality of learning, considering issues related to the acquisition and development of competences and skills; and inclusion, addressing the ongoing engagement with diversity.
Change Forces in Education
Deals with the issues of coordination, steering and monitoring of change in education systems. Attention is given to two central problems: the professional development in education professions, particularly focusing on the socialization and training processes of teachers and other educators; and the processes and effects of participation and accountability in the governance of education systems, particularly focusing on the construction, implementation and assessment of educational public policies.
Scientific and Digital Cultures (articulation university-school-society)
[special issue] Edited by Miriam Struchiner [NUTES/UFRJ] and Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini de Almeida [PUC-SP]
Submission deadline: May 15, 2025
| To be published in October 2025
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Copyright (c) belongs to Sisyphus - Journal of Education. However, we encourage issued articles to be published elsewhere, provided that Sisyphus authorization is asked for and that authors integrate our original source citation and a link to our website.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
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The Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Sisyphus' Publisher, is a San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment signer.
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