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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Copyright (c) belongs to Sisyphus – Journal of Education (However, we encourage issued articles to be published elsewhere, provided that Sisyphus authorization is asked for and that authors integrate our original source citation and a link to our website).
  • It's an original article, not yet published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere (excluding abstracts or writings extracted from conferences or theses). Any modification should be communicated and justified in the "Comments to the Editor" section.
  • This article has been sanctioned by all authors (no more than five) and may be published as it has been submitted. Also, it has been submitted with a full description of each author specific contribution to this scientific output [following CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) methodology for co-authored works].
  • This article will be uploaded without references to acknowledgments, financial support, authors’ names or affiliation.
  • The theoretical approach is updated and internationally sanctioned (at least 50% of references from the last 5 years and also 50% of them indexed in SCOPUS and/or WoS).
  • This article has been written in Portuguese, English (U.K.) or Spanish.
  • This article does not exceed 10,000 words, it has an abstract with a word count between 100 and 150 words, and has 3 to 5 keywords.
  • This article has been submitted in an editable format (docx, doc) and according to the template available at the journal’s website.
  • This article follows APA Style, 7th edition.

Author Guidelines

Submission declaration
Sisyphus – Journal of Education only publishes original articles, explicitly on the strict condition that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication elsewhere (excluding abstracts or writings extracted from conferences or theses). Articles must be approved by all authors in order to be published.

Review criteria
Sisyphus – Journal of Education only considers original articles for publication, explicitly on the strict condition that they have not yet been published, nor are they under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All submitted articles must be rigorous, technically precise, and should put forward a progressive perspective in relation to the state of the art. They should also elucidate and circumscribe the significance of the subject matter, as well as the conceptual and methodological orientations; the research enquiry; the revision of the correlative and most relevant publications on the subject; and the presentation of all results and conclusions. The manuscripts must be essentially problematical; that is, they should draw research vectors that open up new theoretical paths while suggesting methods to deal with intrinsic interrogations. They must also add new perspectives to current writings.

In order to be published, articles must focus on issues that can resonate with an international audience, which is why they should promote and be engaged in wide-ranging issues and debates that can be inscribed within a non-local and non-national agenda.

Articles to be evaluated may be submitted at any time. It should be noted that at least 50% of the articles published in each issue will be focused on research.

Articles should not have more than five authors. In case of co-authored works, the articles must be submitted with a full description of each author specific contribution to the scientific output [following CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) methodology].

Articles must be written in Portuguese, English (U.K.) or Spanish (proposals in other languages will not be accepted). National, colloquial terms and idiomatic expressions should be avoided. Non-discriminatory language is mandatory for all manuscripts: any words or expressions conveying social prejudices are to be avoided.

Preparing texts for submission
Authors must use the TEMPLATE that can be downloaded from the journal’s website. Originals which are not formatted according to this document will be rejected.

The length of an article should not exceed 10,000 words including titles, abstract, references and appendices.

Texts must include an abstract containing between 100 and 150 words and between 3 and 5 key words.

The document format should be compatible with Microsoft Word, in any of its versions.

When writing the articles, authors must follow the indications gathered in the  “Article Template” and in the “Submission Guidelines”. Below you may find the links to the files:
EN: template (word) | submission guidelines (PDF)
PT: modelo (word) | instruções de submissão (PDF)
ES: modelo (word) | instrucciones de envío (PDF)

All submitted articles must follow APA Style, 7th edition, for quotations and references. For detailed information, please see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (

Submitting Articles
Authors must register on the journal’s website ( and provide the requested data for registration and article submission [required author(s) metadata: author(s) name(s), e-mail(s), country(ies), ORCIDs iDs, complete affiliation(s) (three hierarchical levels - such as: department/research institute, college, university), and bio statement(s) (maximum 100 words each)]. To do this, authors must go to LOGIN (if already registered as a user) or to REGISTER (if not yet registered) [both links can be found at the top right of the webpage]

All the article authors MUST be named at the time of submission (adding them one by one) and in the order in which they sign the article, since that will be the order in which they will appear in case the article is published.

Double-blind peer review
This journal operates under a Double-Blind Peer Review Policy. See our Review Process for more detailed information.


Articles' submission sections
ongoing submissions related to our two main research lines:

Education XXI

Addresses the diversification, modernization and improvement of education. It studies the development of educational structures, processes and practices, including the integration and use of digital technologies, oriented towards the promotion of socially relevant learning. Attention is given to two central problems: quality of learning, considering issues related to the acquisition and development of competences and skills; and inclusion, addressing the ongoing engagement with diversity.

Change Forces in Education

Deals with the issues of coordination, steering and monitoring of change in education systems. Attention is given to two central problems: the professional development in education professions, particularly focusing on the socialization and training processes of teachers and other educators; and the processes and effects of participation and accountability in the governance of education systems, particularly focusing on the construction, implementation and assessment of educational public policies.


Scientific and Digital Cultures (articulation university-school-society)

[special issue] Edited by Miriam Struchiner [NUTES/UFRJ] and Maria Elizabeth Bianconcini de Almeida [PUC-SP]

Submission deadline: May 15, 2025

| To be published in October 2025

Read more


Privacy Statement

Provided names, addresses, and other personal information will be exclusively used by our journal editors and for the stated purposes of the journal, and will not be granted to third parties or made available for any other purpose. Sisyphus Privacy Statement is entailed with the IE-Ulisboa Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.