International Environmental Law: Responsibility in the Anthropocene


  • Renato Andrioli Jr. Universidade Portucalense


International Environmental Law, Responsibility, Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, Sovereignty as Responsibility, Responsibility to Protect


This piece focuses on the environmental responsibility in the field of the International Environmental Law facing the challenges of the environmental crisis. Through bibliography review aspects of environmental crisis on Anthropocene and the challenges regarding fighting and stop the environmental damage will be presented. Next, International Environmental Law will be analyzed aiming at bringing visibility to its specificities related to the environment protection, its origin phases and evolution will be presented so the responsibility can be examined at last. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, a categorization of 29 types of environmental responsibilities and the new concept of Sovereignty as Responsibility have the focus of the study on the continuation. The conclusions point that International Environmental Law is an evolving field and environmental responsibility follows it gaining new perspectives reaching, inclusively, the Permanent Sovereignty of States.


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How to Cite

Andrioli Jr., R. . (2020). International Environmental Law: Responsibility in the Anthropocene. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, (28), 106–123. Retrieved from

