The (un)adequacy of the regulatory mechanisms for IPSSs operating in the health area in Portugal




Regulation, regulamentation, Health, Private Social Solidarity Institutions, Social Economy, Management


The right to health is a fundamental right, for whose fulfilment the existence of a structured and regulated health system is required. In Portugal, the State has increased its interactions with social economy entities that provide social health care, in particular the IPSS.This study aims to understand the suitability of the regulation established by law for IPSS entities providing social responses in the area of health and identify its influence on the services provided by these institutions. The empirical study was developed through qualitative methodology, using content analysis of interviews conducted with seven IPSS operating in the health area in Portugal.The results of the research carried out led to the conclusion that there is no total adequacy of the regulation applicable to IPSS entities providing social responses in the area of health, namely at the level of financial support, which is insufficient, limitations with regard to the ability to attract human resources, difficulties in terms of technological updating and expansion of their activity.


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How to Cite

MEIRA, D., BERNARDINO, S., & SILVA, M. (2023). The (un)adequacy of the regulatory mechanisms for IPSSs operating in the health area in Portugal. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 24–52.

