The empathic genesis of the Right to Euthanasia




Constitution, empathy, ethics, euthanasia, Law, morality.


Euthanasia is an ancient theme that, especially since individual autonomy became the health paradigm in contemporary societies, has aroused deep reflections and declared dissensions between socio-ideological quadrants. The relationship between Empathy and Morality has been addressed several times over recent centuries. Studies and opinion articles present disparate conclusions regarding this relation, mainly because a heterogeneous, nebulous and somewhat maladjusted conceptual approach to human nature has prevailed. In this article, we argue that considering diversity as the fundamental axiological axis of a democratic rule of Law, Empathy is essential to respond appropriately to the most diverse circumstances in which an ethical-legal decision is pending, as in Euthanasia.

Author Biographies

Luís FONSECA, Faculty of Medicine University of Porto

- M.D, Psychiatry Consultant, Senhora da Oliveira Hospital (SOH), Guimarães, Portugal.

- Head of the Psychogeriatrics Unity of the Department of Psychiatry of SOH.

- Pre and post graduate training coordinator of the Department of Psychiatry of SOH.

- Supervisor and Clinical Tutor of the School of Medicine of University of Minho, Portugal;

- PhD. Student, Department of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (FMUP), Portugal.

Guilhermina RÊGO, Faculty of Medicine University of Porto

- PhD in Business Sciences from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto in the area of ​​hospital management.

- Assistant Professor with Aggregation (in Bioethics) of the Faculty of FMUP, being regent of the Discipline of Hospital Administration of the Integrated Master in Medicine of this Faculty.

- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate in Bioethics (FMUP) and of the Doctorate in Palliative Care (FMUP).

Rui NUNES, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

- M.D, PhD. Otorhinolaryngology Consultant.

- Full Professor at FMUP.

- Coordinator of the Advisory Committee of the Disaster Section of the World Psychiatric


- Secretary General of the International Chair in Bioethics.

- Member of the Council National Ethics Committee for the Life Sciences.


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How to Cite

FONSECA, L., RÊGO, G., & NUNES, R. (2023). The empathic genesis of the Right to Euthanasia. Revista Jurídica Portucalense, 115–130.

